Live life with your money
P.F.C. is a service for anyone who wants to understand their finances. Get to know your habits, start a savings goal and spend your money on the things that matter to you.
The P.F.C. card
Mastercard – 0 SEK/month
No currency surcharges abroad
Google Pay – swipe your phone at the checkout to pay
Get started in minutes
Register with BankID and order your card
The physical card will arrive in a few days – the digital card is available directly in the app
P.F.C. Duo – joint account
P.F.C. Junior – a card for your children
P.F.C. Premium – upgrade your P.F.C. experience
Easier financial life
Deposit money with Swish
Receive push notifications with purchase info and account balance after each purchase
Google Pay – pay easily and securely with your phone
Groups – share purchases with others
Economic balance
Budget - don’t spend more than you intend to
Save automatically – an extra 5, 10 or 20 SEK is to your savings goal with each purchase
Spending insights – spend wisely and understand how you use your money
Keep the card safe – change your PIN, block the card, and order a new one in the app
P.F.C. Duo – joint account
An account for couples
One card each
Both can see all purchases
Insights into how you spend your joint money
P.F.C. Junior – a card for your kids
Keep an eye on your kid's spending
Easy to deposit the weekly or monthly allowance
Connect up to two guardians
P.F.C. Premium – Upgrade your P.F.C. experience
Avoid extra fees and currency surcharges when abroad
1 year of spending insights
Free withdrawals up to 10 000 SEK/ month, also abroad
When you need to borrow money
Flex – a credit buffer on your card up to 10 000 SEK
Installments – split a purchase over 3, 6, or 12 months
Private loan – borrow up to 400 000 SEK
SOON IN THE APP: CRYPTO - invest in crypto with money in your P.F.C. account